Meet the Tēnaka team and learn more about our model to restore and preserve the Ocean.

Regenerative businesses
We believe that all corporations should integrate a regenerative workflow into their business model in order to reach impact and achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
We develop tailor-made regenerative programs for corporations willing to go further in their CSR strategy, and to involve their clients and collaborators in this impact-led journey.

Ocean-based solutions
Nature-based Solutions are actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems in ways that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, to provide both human well-being and biodiversity benefits (IUCN).
Restoring marine ecosystems and biodiversity is highlighted as one of the key solutions to the climate crisis (IPCC, Duarte et al. 2020), both to mitigate the impacts of global warming and to strenghten the adaptation of coastal communities to the climate crisis.
We deploy ocean-based solutions for companies by partnering with local communities, everywhere marine ecosystems need to be protected and restored.